Capespan We Care

Capespan is defined by the quality of our fruit. So, we care for the people who nurture and produce it – our employees. To this end, Capespan funds the Capespan Blue Hand we care initiative. This non-profit public benefit organisation is dedicated to improving the quality of life of the people living and working on Capespan’s farms. In addition, Capespan supports local community projects by endorsing and sponsoring projects that are aligned with this mandate.

The Blue Hand we care vision is to efficiently address primary health care, basic education and life-skills development needs, using integrated, sustainable initiatives that uplift beneficiaries and their communities. Projects include the installation of infrastructure, such as improved drinking water systems; and the renovation and construction of worker accommodation and facilities.

Our Blue Hand projects

 Capespan initiated the Capespan Foundation to develop a corporate social development programme. The Capespan Foundation focuses on adding value to the lives of needy communities in which the company operates by implementing various Blue Hand® social development, health and educational programmes.

A TIMELINE of milestones along the road to making a difference 2007 – 2017

Each and every Capespan Blue Hand project has taught us values, social development lessons and inspired us.
Year after year we’ve evolved our initiatives based on what we’ve learned to ensure a sustainable and measurable social development impact.

As such, we’ll continue striving to improve the quality of life for all farm workers in Capespan operational areas: leading, mentoring and managing to aid empowerment, mental development and long-term career advancement. Because we believe that the job of everyone working on fruit production farms and in related industries, is more than a pay packet. It’s about knowledge, dignity and belonging to a self-respecting community.