FAQs about Grapefruit

What is the nutritional value of a grapefruit?

Grapefruit deliver a lot of nutrition and water for very few calories. Half a grapefruit (about 100g) contains fewer than 40 calories but has more than 50 per cent of your daily vitamin C requirements and about 20 per cent of your daily vitamin A. With a glycemic index of only 25, grapefruit are also a very low GI food. Grapefruit can also help you increase your intake of potassium.

What are the health benefits of grapefruit?

  • Grapefruit can improve blood pressure and lipid levels.
  • Grapefruit is over 90 per cent water, making it one of the best foods to help you stay hydrated.
  • Grapefruit can help lower cholesterol and may assist in weight loss.
  • Pink and red grapefruit have large amounts of beta carotene, which is necessary for healthy eyes and vision.
  • The amino acids present in grapefruit help to firm and soften the skin.
  • The high fibre and water content in grapefruit help to improve digestion.

Be aware that grapefruit can interact with some medicines, including blood pressure and allergy medication, so always check with your doctor.

How do you choose grapefruit?

Because of their thick skins, marks or scratches don’t necessarily affect the quality of grapefruit. Grapefruit should be slightly flat on the top and bottom. If they’re perfectly round, they’re probably still unripe. They should feel plump and heavy for their size, with smooth, glossy skin. Avoid grapefruit with wrinkly skin or soft spots.

How should you store grapefruit?

Grapefruit can be stored at room temperature in a basket with good air circulation for up to 10 days. If you want to keep them for several weeks, rather refrigerate them and take them out of the fridge a little while before eating or juicing. If you store freshly squeezed grapefruit juice covered in a refrigerator, it will retain almost all of its vitamin C for up to a week.

What’s the best way to eat grapefruit?

Cut the grapefruit in half and put it on a plate. Using a serrated knife, cut around the perimeter where the pith and flesh meet, at a slight angle. (A grapefruit knives can make this part easier, as it has a flexible curved blade.) Next, slice down either side of each segment to separate the fruit from the membranes. Eat each segment with a spoon – and don’t forget to squeeze the juice out of the rind afterwards to get the most of its goodness!

What are the different types of grapefruit?

The most popular grapefruit varieties have flesh that ranges from white to pink and red. Their flavours range from very acidic to sweet and tart. The grapefruit varieties that Outspan grows are Star Ruby and White Marsh. Star Ruby Grapefruit have the reddest flesh of all the grapefruit varieties and are considered the best pink grapefruit in terms of taste, and appearance. White Marsh grapefruit were the first seedless variety of grapefruit and are very juicy.

Where are Outspan’s grapefruit grown?

Outspan’s grapefruit are grown in South Africa, one of the top five places in the world for grapefruit production. Since all Outspan’s grapefruit are naturally tree-ripened, you don’t have to worry about buying unripe grapefruit.

Where do grapefruit come from originally?

Grapefruit were first found on the island of Barbados in the 18th century. It’s thought that the Jamaican sweet orange was accidentally crossed with Indonesian pomelo, creating a natural hybrid. They were originally named the ‘forbidden fruit’ and were also known as shaddock. Their current name comes from the fruit clusters on the trees, which look like giant bunches of grapes.