FAQs about Tangerines
What is the nutritional value of a tangerine?
Tangerines are low in calories, and are fat-free but provide lots of vitamins, minerals and fibre. A medium-sized tangerine contains about 50 calories, including 13g of carbohydrates of which 9g are natural sugars. Eating a tangerine will give you just under half of your daily vitamin C requirements and almost 10 per cent of your daily fibre.
What are the health benefits of tangerines?
- The vitamin C in tangerines is a potent antioxidant that fights free radical damage and prevents inflammation.
- Tangerines help your body to absorb iron from food.
- Tangerines can help with healing minor cuts and wounds.
- Tangerines contain fibres like pectin and hemicellulose which restrict the absorption of cholesterol in the gut and lower the risk of obesity.
- The fibre in tangerines also improves digestion and can assist with constipation.
- Tangerines are a good source of vitamin A, which helps the body to rebuild tissues and may reduce the symptoms of ageing such as fine lines, wrinkles and dull skin.
- The vitamin A in tangerines can also boost your immune system and assist healthy vision.
- Tangerines can help fight against skin diseases and arthritis.
How do you choose tangerines?
Ripe tangerines are firm to slightly soft with a healthy orange or red colour. They should be heavy for their size and pebbly-skinned with no deep grooves. Make sure the skin is mostly blemish-free and doesn’t have any soft spots, cuts or mould.
How should you store tangerines?
After buying tangerines, rinse them off under cold water and dry them well. At room temperature, they’ll keep for up to 5 days. Be sure to keep them out of direct sunlight, in a well-ventilated fruit basket. If you keep them refrigerated, they can keep for up to two weeks.
What’s the best way to eat a tangerine?
The tangerine is the perfect fruit to eat out of hand whenever you have a hankering for something sweet, as they’re easy to peel, with no mess or stickiness. To eat a tangerine without peeling it, cut off both ends of the tangerine, cut a slit in the side, and unroll it so the individual sections separate.
What are the different types of tangerines?
In supermarkets, the worlds tangerine, mandarin and clementine are often used interchangeably. Tangerines are actually closely related to mandarin oranges, which include a large number of hybrids, such as Satsuma (which itself has more than 70 varieties). Honey tangerines (also known as Murcotts) are the most widely grown tangerines. Clementines are also a popular tangerine alternative.
Where are Outspan’s tangerines grown?
Tangerines need lots of sunlight to grow, so Outspan’s tangerines are grown in Peru, Chile and South Africa, where the warm climate and sunny days are perfect for naturally sun-ripened citrus fruit.
Where do tangerines come from originally?
Mandarins have been cultivated for more than 3000 years in their native China and Japan. They were named after Chinese nobles, who wore orange robes. The name tangerine comes from Tangiers in Morocco, which is the port where the fruit was first shipped to Europe and the USA in the 1800s.